Whether you are seeking a web hosting provider for a new website or are unhappy with your existing web hosting company and are looking for a new one, it pays to ensure that whoever you choose is able to provide some specific features. These are features that can enhance the operation of your website, improve the experience of visitors to that website, and make it easier for you to manage your website.
These features are what you might call the absolute minimum that any web hosting worthy of the name should provide. In some cases, you will find that some of these features are only available on certain hosting plans that a web hosting company offers, so make sure you check all the plans of any web hosting service you are considering.
Ability To Host Unlimited Domains/Websites
The importance of this to you will depend on your business model but it is better to have and not need it than need it and not have it available to you. Unlimited domains allow you to host multiple websites with different domains for businesses that you control. They may all be satellite businesses under one corporate structure, or it could be you run a variety of websites that all operate independently of each other. Either way, having them all hosted on one service is preferable.
Multiple Email Accounts
Even if you only have one website hosted with your service provider, having the means to set up and use multiple emails will make running your business much easier. You can have one with your name, and then others which are used with respect to what the person is emailing about. This could include email address set up for customer support, general enquiries, or sales.